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Closing Sales
July 19, 2014

From Ted Wolk, Site author and creator

Closing Sales

Basically, there are two types of agents when it comes to closing the sale.

There is the Quality Fact-Finding Agent that uncovers and Creates The Need. This results in a higher closing ratio and many more sales. This type of sales person asks questions and listens to the prospect.

And then there is the Product Closer who simply sells features of the policy itself and is basically an order taker. This type of selling results in less sales and requires many more sales presentations. This type of person jumps right into the sales presentation the company provided.

Which one do you think you are?

Stop by our Insurance-agents-survival-store and check out our mastering the art of closing a sale e-book.

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Thanks for being part of our team. Have a great day.

Life is good.

Ted Wolk

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