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How to sell a Funeral Policy
by: Mike McCoy

I have learned the the best way to to sell a funeral policy is to start off with offering them something for free. This free item is someting we have found that is offered through a company called "Legacy Safeguard", they have all the tolls to help your client set up everything now, just they way they would like their funeral to be done.

I would be happy to help you with this if you are interested.

Feel free to give me acall at 800-997-8661 ext 225.

Mike McCoy

How do I re-approach prior prospects that I did not sell?
by: Ted

Hi Sarah;

Ted here.

I assume that when you first started, you were shown a simple type of presentation to take care of one specific need and these are the people you are talking about. Now that you have expanded your arena of knowledge, you feel that you have more to offer them.

First of all, I would review the list of people you want to call back. Determine which ones you had a good rapport with.

Secondly, what idea are you planning on approaching them with. (Family Plan, Mortgage insurance, retirement, etc.

I would then create some type of a phone presentation to call them back with.

Asa an example: Mr/Mrs prospect, I recently visited with you a while ago about a funeral plan. Your name recently popped up in my client planner list, and I was reflecting on what we talked about. Since that time I have been made aware of (some other great ideas/or a great idea) that I would like to share with you. I don't know if they will be of any interest to you or not, however I would like the opportunity to revisit some of the things we shared. Are day time or evening appointments better.

I would maybe check out our baby sitter policy or guardian trust fund concept as an idea to approach them. Check out our site map to locate those articles.

If you need any other help, come back and use this specific forum article, to make your comments or ask questions.

Please let us know how you do. We are interested in you success.


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